Arkansas Drivers License Help

For information about how to read the codes on the
Arkansas TVR, see the Drivers License Key.

Which type should I select?
You should select insurance if you are requesting a record of an individual who applied for vehicle insurance with your company or an individual who has given their consent for the insurer to obtain their record.

You should select commercial if you are requesting a record of an individual who is employed or seeking employment with your company or an individual who has signed a specific authorization for a commercial record to be released.


Driver License Number - A nine-digit number with no extra characters. Example: 123456789. If you have an eight-digit number, add a leading 0. Example: 012345678

Requester Name - The name of the party requesting the drivers record. This name will be used in a letter from DF&A to the requested party informing them that their TVR has been accessed. If left blank this field will be filled with the name of the INA account subscriber.

Client Name or Client Number - An optional field used to identify the search reason, the party for whom the search is being made, or for other identification purposes. This is most often used for end of the month invoice reconciliation.